Saturday, December 30, 2023

CODE RED: Trump, Lawfare, and the Battle for 2024 (video)


 "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" is available at





CODE RED: Trump, Lawfare, and the Battle for 2024


In the struggle for power, a narrative emerges of covert strategies and legal maneuvers manipulating democracy.

"Code Red: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" reveals a playbook reminiscent of historical regimes, seeking to silence opposition through tactics such as lawfare and coercion.

Trump's policies prioritize individual freedoms and economic liberty, contrasting with collectivist ideologies. His focus on sovereignty aligns with defending constitutional values.

However, the use of legal tactics such as invoking the 14th Amendment to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot, driven by political motives, threatens democratic principles.

"Code Red" sheds light on power dynamics, urging vigilance against encroaching threats to the constitutional republic.

Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, excels in law, writing, translation, and equestrian pursuits. She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth. Hodges is also the author of "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy.”


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Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
Attorney at Law


Juris Doctor: South Texas College of Law (Houston, TX)

LLM (Environmental Law): Lewis and Clark Law School (Portland, OR)

Masters of Arts (Germanic Studies): The University of Texas at Austin

Law License: Washington State



Thursday, December 28, 2023

About Author Cynthia Hodges

About Author Cynthia Hodges

Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA is a versatile individual whose expertise extends across writing, law, and dressage. Her diverse background and remarkable achievements position her as an influential figure, inspiring others and leaving a lasting legacy.

Her academic journey began with a strong foundation, acquiring advanced degrees in law and Germanic Studies. This academic vigor laid the groundwork for her extensive accomplishments, embracing a wide spectrum of subjects.

As an attorney, Hodges has honed her legal expertise, focusing on the fields of animal and environmental law. Her dedication in these specialized domains underscores her commitment to championing justice.

Hodges' literary finesse shines through a multitude of genres, particularly in her insightful political commentaries. Her adeptness in weaving captivating narratives interwoven with legal and political insights showcases a unique fusion of creative storytelling and incisive analysis.
Emerging as a prominent voice in political commentary, Hodges delves into critical issues encompassing governance, banking, and finance. Her insightful analyses challenge prevailing political paradigms, urging readers to critically re-examine established narratives.
Beyond her legal and literary pursuits, Hodges has made significant contributions in the realm of dressage. Her translations from German to English have made vital dressage theory books accessible to a wider audience. With over 20 years of experience training and showing dressage horses, Hodges not only mastered the fundamentals of dressage but also shared her expertise through articles and translations.

Cynthia F. Hodges continues to make a profound impact across multiple fields. Her expertise, intellectual curiosity, and dedication to justice render her a valuable asset in both the legal and literary spheres. Hodges remains a consistent source of inspiration for readers and professionals, leaving an indelible mark in every domain into which she ventures.


"CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" - available at
Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy” - available at




Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
Attorney at Law


Juris Doctor: South Texas College of Law (Houston, TX)

LLM (Environmental Law): Lewis and Clark Law School (Portland, OR)

Masters of Arts (Germanic Studies): The University of Texas at Austin

Law License: Washington State

Remembering Dr. James P. Hodges, PhD


Remembering Dr. James P. Hodges, PhD

Dr. James P. Hodges, PhD, was a distinguished scholar whose research in economics and history transcended disciplines. He championed critical thinking while actively applying knowledge to address societal challenges. His enduring legacy inspires future generations to pursue knowledge for the greater good.

Dr. James Parrish Hodges was a luminary in the realms of business, finance, scholarship, and community engagement. His profound dedication and unparalleled expertise across various disciplines left an enduring legacy, marking him as a distinguished scholar, educator, and advocate.

Academic Trailblazer:

Dr. Hodges embarked on an academic journey fueled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a profound passion for intellectual exploration. His academic foundation was laid with a Ph.D. in Economics, where he delved deep into theoretical frameworks and practical applications, showcasing exceptional aptitude and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Pioneering Research Contributions:

A hallmark of Dr. Hodges' illustrious career was his groundbreaking research. His studies resonated across disciplines, significantly advancing knowledge in economics, history, and business development. His interdisciplinary approach and innovative ideas illuminated complex economic phenomena, historical theories, and leadership training, leaving an indelible mark on scholarly discourse.

Educational Stalwart and Mentor:

Beyond his research endeavors, Dr. Hodges was a guiding force in academia. He championed critical thinking and intellectual curiosity, nurturing future scholars through engaging lectures, mentorship programs, and academic guidance. His dedication to empowering students reverberated throughout his teachings, inspiring a generation to contribute meaningfully to society.

Community Advocate and Collaborator:

Dr. Hodges recognized the imperative of bridging academia with real-world challenges. He actively engaged with various community initiatives, applying scholarly knowledge to address societal issues. His collaborative efforts aimed at creating a positive impact beyond academic realms, emphasizing the practical application of knowledge for the greater good.

Scholarly Publications and Recognition:

Dr. Hodges' intellectual prowess was reflected in his prolific publications and scholarly achievements. His insightful articles, influential presentations, and thought-provoking book garnered widespread acclaim, earning accolades and citations from peers. His contributions resonated with a diverse audience and solidified his stature as an esteemed scholar.
Legacy of Intellectual Pursuit:

Dr. James P. Hodges' enduring legacy as a scholar, educator, and community advocate reverberates through his commitment to academic excellence, groundbreaking research, and dedication to nurturing future generations. His profound impact transcends disciplinary boundaries, inspiring others to embrace the pursuit of knowledge and contribute meaningfully to society.




James P. Hodges, Ph.D.

Winner of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Medal of Honor
Member: National Speakers Association, American Society for Training and Development






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Wednesday, December 27, 2023



Watch the 2nd video trailer for "Code Red":

In a nation founded on liberty, a staggering poll in 2022 reveaked that almost half of Americans felt estranged within their own country, drowning in perceptions of government corruption and hostility. The disquieting notion of armed action against the government lingered, painting a stark picture of discontent and pervasive distrust, piercing through all political affiliations.

This profound disillusionment, woven into the fabric of America, draws its murky roots from the insidious influence of Marxism. It thrives on sowing divisions, fanning the flames of polarization, and fostering a deepening sense of discontent and disillusionment.
Communism's grim shadow stretches across America, leaving its mark on intellectuals, activists, and labor unions since the late 19th century. Emerging as a response to industrialization and economic disparities, Marx and Engels aimed to dismantle capitalism's perceived inequalities, feeding off the struggles of the working class.

Despite numerous challenges, communism's poisonous roots have persevered, distorting political discourse. The fall of the USSR reshaped perceptions about communism, but recent times have witnessed a haunting resurgence of leftist ideologies that undermine core American principles.
Enter "Code Red: The Secret Communist Takeover of America," a searing expose delving deep into the historical underpinnings, malignant ideologies, and societal disruptions inflicted by communism. This revelatory book unveils the toxic incursion of Marxist ideology into education, media, and politics, laying bare its vicious threat to liberty and equality.

This book isn't just a call to action; it's a plea to defend the American dream for posterity. Emphasizing vigilance, critical thinking, and collective action, "Code Red" confronts the looming specter of communism, securing a future where freedom and prosperity triumph.

Are you prepared to confront the sinister resurgence of communism and protect the values that define our nation's identity? Plunge into "Code Red: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" and join the mission to safeguard the American constitutional republic from the insidious threat of Marxism.

Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, excels in law, writing, translation, and equestrian pursuits. She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth. Hodges is also the author of "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy.”




Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
Attorney at Law


Juris Doctor: South Texas College of Law (Houston, TX)

LLM (Environmental Law): Lewis and Clark Law School (Portland, OR)

Masters of Arts (Germanic Studies): The University of Texas at Austin

Law License: Washington State

James P. Hodges, Ph.D.

Winner of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Medal of Honor
Member: National Speakers Association, American Society for Training and Development



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Sunday, December 24, 2023




“Code Red” explores the contemporary challenge of communism in America, tracing its historical origins, ideologies, and societal impacts. It unveils how Marxism stealthily subverts education, media, and politics, eroding liberty under the guise of “equity.” This insightful work dissects the infiltration of Marxist ideology, illuminating threats to cherished American values and freedoms. By paralleling historical socialist movements with today's political landscape, it provides invaluable perspectives on potential repercussions of current policies. Serving as an indispensable guide, it equips readers to discern warning signals, partake in informed discussions, and safeguard America's legacy. Unveiling concealed agendas, it promotes critical analysis and prompts readers to scrutinize the motivations behind policies, fostering meaningful dialogues. Above all, “Code Red” champions vigilance, urging individuals to protect freedom for upcoming generations in the face of communism's burgeoning influence.

Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, excels in law, writing, translation, and equestrian pursuits. She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth. Hodges is the author of "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" ( & “Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy” ( She also has a BA and an MA in Germanic Studies.



Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
Attorney at Law


Juris Doctor: South Texas College of Law (Houston, TX)

LLM (Environmental Law): Lewis and Clark Law School (Portland, OR)

Masters of Arts (Germanic Studies): The University of Texas at Austin

Law License: Washington State

James P. Hodges, Ph.D.

Winner of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Medal of Honor
Member: National Speakers Association, American Society for Training and Development 


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Wednesday, October 11, 2023





Unofficial Mossad Motto: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.” Are we being played in this war between israel and Palestine? 

Posted: October 8, 2023

Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA is an attorney and author: “Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy.” ( She also has a BA and an MA in Germanic Studies.



Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
Attorney at Law


Juris Doctor: South Texas College of Law (Houston, TX)

LLM (Environmental Law): Lewis and Clark Law School (Portland, OR)

Masters of Arts (Germanic Studies): The University of Texas at Austin

Law License: Washington State

James P. Hodges, Ph.D.

Winner of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Medal of Honor
Member: National Speakers Association, American Society for Training and Development