Thursday, August 15, 2019

"Beyond The Cherry Tree: The Leadership Wisdom of George Washington" by James Hodges, Ph.D.

"Beyond The Cherry Tree: The Leadership Wisdom of George Washington" by James Hodges, Ph.D.

President George Washington has remained one of our most outstanding role-models and mentor-leaders. The story of how he raised himself up by his bootstraps from relative poverty to wealth is both inspiring and instructive. This book is an easy-to-read guide on how we can reach our full productivity potential by observing the highest levels of ethical behavior. It outlines the leadership actions George Washington took to found the United States. These are actions we must emulate and expand upon today. Successful, modern companies that have used his principles are highlighted for their accomplishments. Available on

Watch book trailer HERE.


James P. Hodges, Ph.D.

Winner of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Medal of Honor
Member: National Speakers Association, American Society for Training and Development

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